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About Us


Who we are

Our mission is to provide a hands-on learning environment for 3’s, 4’s and 5’s with the teachings of Jesus Christ inter-woven into a development-oriented curriculum.

How will your child benefit from this nurturing environment?


Kirk House Preschool provides a welcoming school environment where children feel secure, accepted, and loved. Through play and exploration, children learn about their world, and loving and nurturing qualified teachers meet children’s individual, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Teachers provide both structured activities, such as Circle Time, and unstructured play.  Children participate in stimulating and intentional activities, including blocks and building, music and dramatic play, stories, art activities, learning games and materials, and outdoor play. Through hands-on learning, children both learn about the world and are prepared for Kindergarten. Menlo Park Kirk House has provided a quality preschool program for over sixty-five years.

individual learning

Be valued as unique person with an individual learning style and timing of growth. Develop quality relationships with teachers so he or she feels safe to explore and discover.


Develop and grow socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically; thus gaining confidence and self-esteem in a school environment.

hands-on learning

Participate in hands-on learning activities that takes into consideration attention span, differences in interests, and cognitive abilities.

Christ’s love

Be introduced to Christ’s love  through Christian holidays, songs, and stories.

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Discover Our Programs

Kirk House Preschool provides a welcoming school environment where children feel secure, accepted, and loved. Through play and exploration, children learn about their world, and loving and nurturing qualified teachers meet children’s individual, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs.


Our Philosophy

The purpose of Kirk House Preschool is to provide young children with a positive school experience in a warm and supportive Christian environment. 


The purpose of Kirk House Preschool is to provide young children with a positive school experience in a warm and supportive Christian environment.  It is our belief that play is the most important avenue to learning because it actively involves the child in the learning process and enables the child to experience concepts first hand.  We stimulate the child’s innate desire to learn by providing age appropriate “hands on” experiences for the development of the whole child: emotional, social, cognitive, physical, and spiritual.  By providing a large variety of well-rounded learning opportunities in an environment in which the child feels safe and secure to investigate without criticism, the child will make steps in fulfilling his or her own potential. We keep our staff to child ratio at 1 adult to 6 students, so children will get a response when they seek comfort, information, or assistance. Quick responses from adults makes children feel respected and valued.

Our Staff

Our teachers

We’re a diverse group of educators unified by our passion for educating young children. In each of our roles, we enjoy the opportunity to partner with parents in the foundational early years of childhood. Meet our team.

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Sign up now

We’re excited you’re interested in our Preschool. 

Learn about our admissions process.

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